Le site de référence sur le philosophe français Emile Chartier, dit Alain (1868-1951), par l’Association des Amis d’Alain, fondée par ses proches après sa mort.

Le site de référence sur le philosophe français Emile Chartier, dit Alain (1868-1951), par l’Association des Amis d’Alain, fondée par ses proches après sa mort.

PETHERAM Michel, « A bibliography of the philosopher Alain in English »

Caravaggio (1571-1610): Saint Jerome writing, 1605. Borghese gallery and museum, Roma.
Caravaggio (1571-1610): Saint Jerome writing, 1605. Borghese gallery and museum, Roma.


Bibliography by Michel Petheram.


Alain. 1930. Mars or The Truth about War. Translated by Doris Mudie and Elizabeth Hill. London, Toronto, New York: J. Cape; J. Cape & H. Smith.

———. 1973. The Gods. Translated by Richard Pevear. New York: W W Norton & Co Inc.

———. 1978. On Happiness. Translated by Robert D. Cottrell and Jane E. Cottrell. New York: Frederick Ungar.

———. 2020. “Excerpts from Système Des Beaux-Arts [System of the Fine Arts], 1920.” The Journal of Modern Craft 13 (3): 345–50.

———, 2023. Les Fêtes / Festivals, Translated by Michel Petheram, Mortagne au Perche & le Vésinet: AmAm Amis du Musée Alain et de Mortagne / Institut Alain.


Baslaw Annette Szer, 1969, The educational concepts of Alain (Émile-Auguste Chartier), 1868-1951, Ph.D., New York University, New York.Baumeister, Thomas, « Alain on World, Human Nature, and Happiness », Transcultural Studies, 2008, vol. 4, no 1, p. 57‑70.

Bede, Jean-Albert, and Douglas W. Alden. 1980. “Alain.” Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature, February, 10–11.

Cocking, John. 1960. “Receiving Mind.” The Times Literary Supplement, September 30, 1960. The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive.

Duclaux, Mary. 1928. “French Laconics.” The Times Literary Supplement, April 26, 1928. The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive.

———. 1935. “Alain and the Gods.” The Times Literary Supplement, January 10, 1935. The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive.

Ford, George Harry, and Lauriat Lane. 1972. The Dickens Critics. Greenwood Press.

Frobert, Ludovic. 2017. “An Economic Philosophy for the Republic: Elie Halévy, Alain, André Maurois.” In Economic Thought and Institutional Change in France and Italy, 1789-1914. a Comparative Study., by Riccardo Soliani. Springer.

France, Peter ed., 1995. “Alain.” The new Oxford Companion to Literature in French, pp.14-15.

Gibson, Frank A. 1946. “A French Philosopher on Dickens.” Dickensian 42 (279): 134.

Hampton, John. 1961. “The Humanism of Alain.” Contemporary Review 199 (February): 92–97.

Harvey, Paul and J.E, Heseltine, eds. 1959. “Chartier, Emile Auguste”  The Oxford Companion to French Literature, pp.123-4.

Heifetz, Aviad. 2020. “Object, Relations: From Alain’s Corriger Selon l’objet » to Winnicott’s Transitional Object.” International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies n/a (n/a).

Howell, Ronald F. 1958. “Letter to the Editor about Weightman’s Article ‘Letters of a Wilful Sage.’” The Times Literary Supplement, August 29, 1958. The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive.

———. 1965. “The Philosopher Alain and French Classical Radicalism.” The Western Political Quarterly 18 (3): 594–614.

John, G. 1983. “Alain and The Making of a Non‐Conformist.” Journal of Moral Education 12 (1): 56–66.

Kaelin Eugene Francis, 1954, Alain, aesthetician: an essay in the philosophy of art, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States — Illinois, 250 p.

Leterre, Thierry. 2022. “A Philosophy ‘Written for Everyone’: From Alain to Simone Weil.” Attention. February 26, 2022. https://attentionsw.org/a-philosophy-written-for-everyone-from-alain-to-simone-weil/.

Murry, John Middleton. 1939. “Civilization on Trial: The Adventure of Liberty.” The Times Literary Supplement, October 21, 1939. The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive.

Raymond, John. 1968. “Two Faces of France.” New Statesman (London, England: 1957) 75 (May): 723–723.

Schwarz, Walter. 1989. “Promptings of the Spirit.” The Times Literary Supplement, February 24, 1989. The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive.

Simon, YR. 1985. “The Politics of Alain + Chartier, Emile French Thinker.” Interpretation – A Journal of Political Philosophy 13 (2): 215–31.

Steiner, George. 2005a. “Alain.” In Lessons of the Masters, 102–9.  Chapter 4  Maitres à penser. The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Turnell, Martin. 1975. “Human Aspirations.” The Times Literary Supplement, September 5, 1975. The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive.

Van Delft Louis, 2003, « Teaching in a Brave New World. », Diogenes (International Council for Philosophy & Humanistic Studies)., 2 janvier 2003, no 198, p. 65‑74.

Vance, John Gabriel. 1953. “Teacher of Genius.” The Times Literary Supplement, April 24, 1953. The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive.

Weightman, John. 1961. “Second Thoughts.” The Times Literary Supplement, February 24, 1961. The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive.

Weightmann, John. 1958. “Letters of a Wilful Sage.” The Times Literary Supplement, August 1, 1958. The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive.

———. 1982. “Alain: For and Against.” The American Scholar 51 (3): 381–89.

« Chartier, Emile-Auguste », Oxford Art Online, 2003, 2003.

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